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The site for this automatic carwash is a very narrow parcel of land wedged between Memphis’ busiest East/West thoroughfare (Poplar Avenue) and the Norfolk-Southern Railroad tracks. Inspiration was drawn from the train cars passing the site several times daily as well as from the simple fact that the building is an automated machine. The concept was focused on a design philosophy of creating a unique building by using simple forms and allowing the building to speak for itself by being honest and open about the function within. To do this, the design opts for a more contemporary interpretation of the carwash as a machine with clean lines and simple forms.
The site for this automatic carwash is a very narrow parcel of land wedged between Memphis’ busiest East/West thoroughfare (Poplar Avenue) and the Norfolk-Southern Railroad tracks. Inspiration was drawn from the train cars passing the site several times daily as well as from the simple fact that the building is an automated machine. The concept was focused on a design philosophy of creating a unique building by using simple forms and allowing the building to speak for itself by being honest and open about the function within. To do this, the design opts for a more contemporary interpretation of the carwash as a machine with clean lines and simple forms.
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